Compassionate Allowances

The Compassionate Allowances Program was developed by social security for the people that have these really rare, aggressive illnesses that would obviously meet the disability requirements. It was developed in order for them to kind of speed up that system. Instead of getting benefits in months, it potentially could only take days or weeks.


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Consultative Exams in a Social Security Disability Case

A consultative examination is basically when Social Security schedules a claimant, somebody applying for disability, schedules them a doctor’s appointment. They either do it because they don’t think that they have enough evidence in order to make a disability determination, or they want just some kind of clarification of the evidence that they already have.


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Disabled Widow’s Benefits

A Widow’s Disability Benefit is usually for people that, if they have not worked, but they’ve had a spouse that has recently passed away, they can draw off of their spouse’s work record as opposed to their work record. It’s good especially if a spouse was making more than the person that is disabled, they are able to draw off of that spouse’s earnings record.


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Do I Qualify for Social Security Disability?

One question that I frequently get asked is: Have I worked long enough to qualify for Social Security Disability? And there is a general rule of thumb. The general rule of thumb is that a person must have worked five out of the last 10 years in order to qualify for Social Security Disability.


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Social Security Disability & Earned Income Credits

And sometimes it comes down to the day you’re in front of the judge. And this can really lead to your credibility, and you can completely lose all benefits for those years that you filed this return. In some cases you can lose your case completely because of the tax refund and because of this earned income credit and self-employment that you filed.


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Social Security Disability and Employment History

When you file for Social Security Disability, not only do they have to consider if you’re disabled, but they also have to look at the work that you’ve performed, and if you can still perform that work. And then, they also have to look and see if there’s other jobs that you could perform out there in the national economy.


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Understanding My Rights to Representation

Having an attorney or non-attorney representative to assist you is really in your best interest. It really is difficult to understand the process of having a Social Security disability claim and all that goes into it. You throw in a mental impairment, physical problems, lack of social support, family support, and all of the issues that go with that and it can be just really overwhelming, so having a representative really allows them to focus on handling these issues for you.


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