Accredited Representatives with the VA
There are a lot of organizations that can be found online who represent Veterans in their pursuit of VA disability benefits. However, not all of these organizations are accredited to handle VA disability claims by the Department of Veterans Affairs. As with any certification, the VA disability accreditation shows that these organizations are well versed in the rule and requirements of the VA and that the organizations have been fully investigated to determine any potential deficiencies in their practices. Most importantly, these unaccredited organizations often charge fees which are unreasonable, and often times are frankly against the law. It is important to verify that the organization which you have hired is accredited by the Department of Veterans Affairs.
Title 38, US Code, Section 5901 provides that “no individual may act as an agent or attorney in the preparation, presentation, or prosecution of any claim under laws administered by the Secretary unless such individual has been recognized for such purposes by the Secretary.”
Accredited attorneys are highly regulated in order to protect the Veterans that they represent. They must follow a certain standard of professional conduct. If an accredited attorney or agent violates those standards, the VA can cancel their accreditation. Furthermore, to become and remain accredited, attorneys must submit an application to the VA with evidence of good standing from bars, courts, and agencies to which they are admitted as well as having a requirement for continuing legal education.